Migrating a monolith to microservices unlocks scalability and performance

Build frontends and backends with independent services to speed up time-to-market delivery while keeping software development agile. Perfect for horizontal team scalability.


Microservices let you build beyond the limits of a monolith

Professionals believe microservices are becoming a development standard for cloud and on-prem development in JavaScript, Go, and other key languages.


Reach near-infinite software and team scalability

When the software is divided into service clusters, you can join various technologies that will work together. With independent teams formed around services, it’s easier to reassign developers on demand. You’ll have greater control over adding, swapping, and reusing services at a development speed that was once unreachable


Microservices level up agile product teams

With this architecture, you can:

  • Scale the app's services independently in response to the demand
  • Ensure continuous delivery with incremental development
  • Stabilize deployments as you update parts without risking a full crash
  • Isolate bugs that could break the whole app
  • Form and grow independent teams easier
  • Switch service vendors much easier


If you're considering the use of microservices

We’d be glad to advise you for free to help direct the project where it should go.

Book a confidential, 1-hour consultation if you'd like to

Review and optimize your current microservice implementation
Plan and execute a migration from your monolith to microservices
Prepare a microservice implementation strategy
Build a microservices-based software product from scratch